Find and track commercialisation opportunities

Computer code is an under-leveraged commercial resource, and there is often no framework in place to track what code has been written.
‍Use the free code description tool to start tracking what code-based insights researchers are working on.
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"Most researchers are working on 'knowledge' problems. They do data analytics and write lots of computer code. TerraCipher and Shaipup help create opportunities to leverage code-based insights."

Next steps

Tracking research code

Researchers can spend a lot of time writing code to do analyses, processes data or to generate predictive models. Creating a record of the what code is currently available provides a good starting point to guide commercialisaiton opportunities. Use these insights to identify new opportunities for researchers so that their time investment has a potential reward. Providing basic reporting can help deliver competitive funding collaborations and submissions.

Identify the attributes of code that indicate commercial opportunities

The quality of research code can be wide and varied. Using a code analysis tool based on the technology readiness level (TRL) framework can help identify early opportunities and provide pointers for researchers who want to progress code-based insights. Connect with the TerraCipher team to learn more about a code-based TRL framework

Help researchers promote a path to impact in their grant applications

Research funders are keen to see the impact of their research investments. Researchers who can articulate a clear strategy to drive impact from code-based insights can have a competitive advantage. When an impact strategy is baked into an application it helps ensure the project delivers potential commercial outcomes.