Using coding tools to conduct more efficient research

Demands on researchers' time are growing, and tools that allow you to do more in a shorter time create new opportunities.
‍Using Shaipup to deploy cloud-based code results in deployments that are 10 times faster, 10 times cheaper, and with 10 times more functionality than a researcher can achieve.
MacBook mockup
"The research team are focused on addressing core research areas. Sharing publication outputs ensures all of the team knows about the latest developments. Easily sharing access to code without sharing the code itself created a huge efficiency. Team members can shine and develop coding expertise and avoid everybody reinventing the wheel. It also ensured bugs or logic errors were picked up on."

Next steps

Create a team Shaipup sharing hub

Shaipup allows research teams to create reusable chunks of code. Rather than building packages that are only accessible in one language, Shaips use a cloud-based API framework. This allows team members and collaborators to pass data into Shaips. By using version control and good documentation, the Shaips provide tested and trusted outputs. The deployed Shaips also avoid team members having to repeat code.

Explore options to generate pdf reports from Shaips

Reporting can be very time-consuming. Shaips can be used to generate automated reports. Using scheduled triggers linked to automated emails allows event-based reporting that ensures data pipelines or experimental schedules are on track.

Maximise the opportunities by investing in software development training

Research teams often have good technical coding skills but don't always have production software skills. Developing functional code that can be accessed and shared benefits from tools and techniques  used by software developers